Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Danny Akin's Chapel QnA

Audio available here. The first two questions address blogging and Calvinism. Towards the end of the session he talks about the new SBC International Mission Board guidelines on baptism and tongues.

Here are the two questions I submitted online since I couldn't make it to chapel:
1. What can we learn from Rick Warren, and in ways should we be cautioned about his theology and philosophy of ministry? I'm particularly interested in your thoughts on his social ministry agenda. In what ways do missions appropriately incorporate mercy ministries?

2. What should be our response and relationship to conservative Baptist leaders who affirm that people can be saved through false religions or without even hearing the name of Christ?
Neither made the cut. (I did submit the second one a little after the deadline.) But he was only able to answer a few in the chapel time, and mine were among the 14 chosen of the 50ish submitted. Perhaps we'll find out if SEBTS plans a follow-up, as Dr. Akin suggested they might.

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