Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Financial Breakdown: A Spiritual Diagnosis

Lots of things make me think of fellow CHBC member Paul Mills as a rather bright guy. He's a Cambridge PhD in economics. He knows more about theology than many seminary grads. He became a senior economist for the IMF after years of working in Her Majesty's Treasury doing things like managing the balance sheet of the United Kingdom. He's written several articles about the precarious implications of the housing bubble and things like derivatives and leveraging credit. But so have lots of people. Paul was writing those articles in 2007.

And he's a redhead with a British accent. Need I say more?

So last Wednesday night Mills was the guest lecturer at a CHBC Henry Forum. I understood some of it, but I especially liked the pretty pictures on the screen thingy.

If you want to know more about what happened in the financial crisis of the last six months, especially from a Christian perspective, you might benefit from listening to Paul's talk. And you can even download a PDF of the pretty pictures.

Update: Audio is back online.

1 comment:

Paul (not quite as smart as Mills)) said...

Fascinating. Paul is a brilliant and super guy.

Will the audio be up again? There are just a couple of slides that may make a little bit more sense with some explanation.